

The Original Butt Sketch: Every tush is beautiful in its own way.

Claudia Williams Artwork Poll: Where should I donate this priceless oil painting?

Rejection & Redemption: Baseball Hall of Fame’s loss is the Museum of Bad Art’s gain.


Crowns of Kitsch: How Miss America contestants brand their home states.

Shapely Sell-Outs: Miss America contestants now slam home states for cheap laughs.

Enough Already: Leave Miss South Carolina alone!


Revenge of the Wimp: Jeff Kinney dares to revisit middle school demons.


Banned in New Hampshire: My First (Forbidden) Fish Pedicure.

Madonna’s Reinvention: “Fiddler on the Roof” in lingerie?

Middle East Surprise: “Austin Powers” Fembot Fashions Thrive in Syria.


Prehistoric Politics: Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone meld with John McCain at the DNC.

Google Tribute: I Yabba Dabba Love You!

Undercover Fan: Fred Plays Opening Day Hooky.


Gourmet Surprise: Chef Julia Child loved McDonalds and was in the CIA.

Theory of Buttertivity: What would Einstein put on his bagel?

Let My Tastebuds Go: I dare you to try Passover breakfast cereal!


Corpse Action Figures: Mad scientists coming to a museum near you.


Some Kind of Monster: Dysfunctional Metallica makes ‘Spinal Tap’ seem real.

Leave Boy George Alone: Why do you really want to trash him?


Don’t Knock It: Childhood humor development doesn’t evolve overnight.


Pre-Swine Flu Nostalgia: Feeling sentimental about good old-fashioned germ-o-phobia.


So Much For Reality: MLK would have shrugged at segregated CBS ‘Survivor’ stunt.


Walking in Alligator Shoes: Being a minor league baseball mascot is not as easy as it looks.

Fallen Idol: New Barry Bonds/Paula Abdul comedy act is a major league drag.

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick: The baseball bat as a persuasive political tool.

Slaughtered by the Splendid Splinter: Why did Ted Williams’ hunting trophies go so cheap?

Political Button of the Day #1: Mets farmhand Wilbur Huckle and the Metropolitan Party.

Political Button of the Day #2: What does Orioles star Eddie Murray have in common with Teddy Roosevelt?


Plastic Surgery: Kentucky “doctor” rescues G.I. Joes on their deathbeds.

Pink Aisle Refugees: Guys who shop for (and train) Barbie commandos.

Terrorist Geek Exposed: Action figure hostage hoax fizzles in Iraq.

The Joys of Plastic Lice: Passover toys celebrate Ancient Egypt’s regime change.

Just Ducky: Celebrities with webbed feet.

Trailer Park Toys: Coming to a gumball machine near you — Classism!

Most Demented Toy of the Year: The Indiana Jones Electronic Whip (or why I miss toy guns).


Costa Rican Sloth Rescue: Parking Lot Security in Paradise.

Airport Adventure: Confessions of an international turkey jerky smuggler!

Fasten Your Seatbelts: “Crashing to earth in Vanuatu’s Air Force One.


Yanking Yasser: Evicting wax terrorists is a slippery museum slope.

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