Tag Archives: garbage

Strange Things I Photograph (Part 4) — Trashing the Capitol

Washington D.C. (2010) -- How America Presents Itself to the World.

If you knew you were having company over, wouldn’t you vacuum the carpet?

Well, Washington D.C. is where the world’s dignitaries come to mingle. And the welcome mat is looking kinda grungy. This is what the gorgeous reflection pools at the U.S. Capitol look like close up.

How about using one less bomb over Libya this week and hire a few guys with pool nets to scoop out the muck?

A more pristine (but misleading) view of the U.S. Capitol reflection pool.

(“Strange Things I Photograph” is an ongoing series dedicated to photography subjects that seem intriguing at the time, but dramatically lose their interest as soon as hours later. The dilemma is to either delete the pictures and cheat posterity or to struggle to appreciate their inherent value — both to me and to the world.)

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